Marvel at the Natural Beauty of Jays in Their Habitat

 The jay has the scientific name Urocissa Erythroryncha, and is a type of bird in the crow family. This bird is also very popular as a pet bird due to its beautiful, colorful appearance.

Jays are birds of the quadra family, widely distributed along the northern regions of the Indian subcontinent west of the Himalayas, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.

The body length of an adult jay is about 65-68 cm, the average weight is estimated at 196-232 g. Their head and neck are black with blue spots on the head. The shoulders and back are blue and the lower belly is gray. The tail is long and bright blue (like the wings) with white tips at the ends. A special feature of them is their bright red orange beak, legs, feet and the ring around their eyes are also red. This red color can vary depending on their range, there are places where they are almost yellow. Their tail is very long and light blue with white horizontal stripes.

Jays eat common insects and small animals such as invertebrates, amphibians and others, and sometimes also eat fruits and some nuts. They often rob other birds' nests to eat eggs and chicks.

Jays nest in trees and large bushes, their nests are relatively shallow. Usually lays 3-5 eggs. They are very good at imitating the songs of other species, so their sounds are very diverse and complex, but the most common is a high-pitched cry like an air horn or flute.

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