A strange bird to many animal breeders - the Harpy eagle of the New Arctic region. Harpy has a beautiful appearance, like a king and weighs up to 9kg, so it makes a strong impression at first sight.
Strange bird species - Harpy Eagle has the scientific name Harpia harpyja (a species of eagle), is the largest bird of prey found in the Americas and one of the largest eagle species in the world that still exists.
The Harpy Eagle is considered one of the most beautiful birds in the animal kingdom. (Source Boredomtherapy)
Adult females usually weigh 6 - 9 kg, in captivity they can weigh up to 12.3 kg. Meanwhile, males compared to females are much smaller in size with only about 4 - 4.8 kg. (Source Boredomtherapy)
The height of the Harpy eagle ranges from 86.5–107 cm and has a wingspan of 1.76 to 2.24 m. (Source Boredomtherapy)
The Harpy Eagle's claws have been compared to the sharp claws of the grizzly bear. According to research, the Harpy eagle's claws are the largest among all eagle species. (Source Boredomtherapy)
Thanks to that, Harpy eagles often catch prey weighing more than 7kg. (Source Boredomtherapy)
In fact, as apex predators, Harpy eagles prey on most small to medium sized animals, including mainly sloths, monkeys, porcupines, squirrels, and marsupials. , anteaters, and even raccoons. (Photo: Aboutanimals)
Harpy eagles are fierce, sometimes killing large prey such as South American wild boar, red deer and capybara. Besides, Harpy eagles also do not ignore birds smaller than themselves such as parrots, and kill reptiles such as Iguana salamanders, snakes, and Tegu monitor lizards. (Photo: Zoo Miami)
When the prey is too large and they cannot bring it back to the nest because of the distance, the Harpy Eagle will tear the prey to pieces on the spot and hide the prey's body, then return many times to eat. (Photo: Pinterest)
The back of the Harpy eagle is black, the bottom is white or black stripes. The back of the tail is black and gray. In particular, their heads are light gray, with tufts of hair on top that look like a crown. (Photo: Animals Time)
Another interesting point about the Harpy eagle is that the name of this eagle comes from ancient Greece, associated with the mythical beast Harpy with a human face and the body of an eagle. (Photo: Aboutanimals)
With extraordinary health, a large, majestic appearance, and the appearance of a strange bird - the Harpy Eagle truly has the appearance of someone who is the lord of the sky.