The Motherhood of the Bird World


"The day I suffered the most was the day I lost my mother! At that time I cried without my mother by my side!"

Mother's love! A love that always protects, carries, tolerates, and is generous;... always sacrifices and endures in every situation! This is the sweet, sacred feeling that gives rise to all feelings in life such as: love for homeland, love for country, love for compatriots, love for people, etc.

"God gives birth to Mothers". That's human motherhood - what about in the animal world?

The scene of a mother bird feeding her chicks is a scene that is difficult for anyone to capture, but photographers can clearly capture the feelings of affection and love. On a precariously high branch, the mother bird with her ragged feathers still stretched out to feed the baby birds, who were rushing to open their tiny beaks to compete for food.

Motherhood is strangely sacred in emotional perspectives. Please join Lan Phuong to see the beautiful photos of motherhood - the bird world by the photographers below!


Robins feed their newborn chicks in St Louis, Missouri, USA.


While teaching her little child to fly, the mother swallow did not forget to feed him food.

"alt" Sunbirds feeding their chicks in Banting, Malaysia.




Hurry to fly back to your beloved children


"alt" The eagle returns to its nest to feed its young; A rare moment full of hard work from two paparazzi



A golden falcon feeds its chicks in a nest in the Konny Bor wetlands, Belarus


"alt" Two ducklings ride on their mother's back while learning how to catch prey on the Almond River near Edinburgh, England . photo: Telegraph.


A mother warbler feeds her 12-day-old baby.



A mother hummingbird feeding her baby in Simi Valley, California, USA . "alt"

A gray cuckoo with a black border around its neck is feeding its young



Feed the tiny beaks



Mother penguin feeding baby birds food





The father and mother birds take turns catching fish to raise their chicks. In the photo, the father bird is feeding his baby - Photo: CRIOnline




The little swan family was so warm during their walk around the lake

"alt" Accepting to let her children stay on the ground, the mother bird had to go looking for food to fill the hunger of her two gaping mouths "alt"


Baby birds wait for their mother to feed them in a nest outside a house in Madrid, near Santa Fe, New Mexico.







A pair of frog-mouthed owls feed their young in Florida, USA. Photo: Seaworld Orlando.




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