Unlocking the Secrets of Fire Warbler Care: Expert Techniques for Raising These Fascinating Birds

 The Fire Warbler, whose scientific name is Copsychus Malabarious Indicus, is a forest songbird that sings well and has a very beautiful code, so it is favored by many artists.

There are many people who are so "passionate" about Firebirds that they only raise one breed of this bird at home, even though they raise nearly a dozen birds. Some people only raise a few Firebirds, but they raise five or three Firebirds. Although everyone knows that raising Fire Warblers is very elaborate and expensive

The price of a Fire Warbler as bait today ranges from a few million to tens of millions. Raising a Fire Warbler for several seasons (in professional language, 1 season is 1 year) costs more than a million dong. The price of a Firebird is about a few hundred thousand.

Origin : Fire Warblers live in the areas of Trang Bom, Trang Bang, Long Khanh, Ben Cat, Chon Thanh, Binh Long, Dau Tieng, Bu Dang, Bu Dop... They are also scattered in the Southwestern provinces. Ministry and some southern central provinces. They are present in almost all countries in Asia.

In the forest, Fire Warblers are everywhere. If we go deep into the Eastern forests, we can still hear them singing. In particular, they often gather to live and nest along the roads of dump trucks and buffalo carts. Every morning, we hear the Fire Warbler singing loudly to the sky and the first song, followed by the sounds of other forest birds.

The voice of the Fire Warbler croaks loudly, not as methodical as that of the Coal Warbler. But when you hear them "talk", it is very pleasing to the ear, it is very rich in melody. We can hear the sound of the stream ringing, waterfall, sound of trees rustling. Sometimes we confuse it with the voice of the Nightingale and other singing birds. Perhaps the song has so many melodies that many people like it.

Shape : The Fire Magpie has the same shape as the Charcoal Magpie, except the body is smaller and more slender.

People named the bird Fire Warbler because at first glance, we saw that from chest to back it was all dark brown... similar to the color of red fire. The male bird has brighter plumage and a longer tail than the female bird. Measured from the beak to the end of the tail, it can be more than 25 centimeters (cm) long, while the male bird's tail is longer than its body! It must be said that the Fire Warbler is most beautiful in its tail! When the bird dances, its tail bobs very gracefully!

Birds have three feather colors : black, dark brown and white.

The head, neck, upper back and tail of the Firebird are covered with bluish-black feathers. The chest and abdomen are dark brown. The lower part of the Magpie's tail has 8 white feathers. The three colors of fur are separated into a certain area, creating an easy-to-see sharpness.

When the Firebird finishes moulting, it is the firebird period. At this time, my body was slim and effeminate like a hot girl. Without a long tail, the sparrow would certainly lose its sharpness.

How to Raise Firebirds : Firebirds are very shy and difficult to tame. Those that are still in "wildfire" are relatively bolder and can be raised for a few weeks before they can sing.

Like raising other wild birds, we must buy a large and high cage. Before keeping the bird in, we must have a box of peanut powder mixed with chicken egg yolk, a box of fresh worms, or ant eggs. a jar containing locusts (with legs cut off to prevent jumping) and a jar of water. After putting the bird in the cage, we must cover the cage tightly, then hang the cage in a quiet place for the first few days.

After that, we check to find out what its health status is, what food it is suitable for, and then feed it again. Gradually, when the Firebird is bold, we open the cage's coat and hang the bird in a place where there are people. back and forth, and gradually train the Firebird to eat peanut powder.

TDCC found that there were also many Firebirds that refused to eat peanut powder mixed with eggs. In this case, you take a little powder and pour it into the freezer, then mix in a little fresh worms or dry worms. Birds eat worms mixed with a little powder, so they get used to it. Next time, we gradually increase the amount of flour... and then the birds will know how to eat the flour.

Food :

Firebirds also eat peanut powder mixed with eggs. In addition, it also eats locusts, dried worms, fresh worms, and ant eggs.

The Firebird is similar to the Charcoal Warbler, except it eats much less.

Bird Cages and How to Care for them : Raise Magpies in bamboo or rattan cages, but you must use a special type of cage. The cage must be at least 72 cm long, with a bottom diameter of 35 cm or more, and the height of the cage must be at least 60 cm. Having to keep such a large cage, the Fire Warbler can turn around easily, because its tail is too long. Many spacious houses have hanging space, people use a type of "physical cage" with a diameter of 60 cm and a height of one meter.

Normally, from the tenth lunar month, the Fire Warbler begins to molt, and by the third lunar month, the molt is complete.

Depending on the bird's health, the bird changes its feathers sooner or later and quickly or slowly. With children, the old hair falls out in just a week and looks miserable. If it falls out quickly, the new hair will come out very quickly, and the molting time will be shorter. Some birds change their feathers repeatedly, only dropping one or two stalks a day, so the molting period lasts four or five months. When I met you, I was thinking about changing my hair several times a year.

For birds with thin feathers, we should feed them more nutritious food and it is best not to change their food throughout the year.

Like all birds, changing their food will directly affect the bird's health. Each change of food is each change of feathers. After the bird at someone's house molts, I buy it to feed it with other food. Whether it's better or worse, the bird also molts again.

During the time the bird is molting, we should hang the bird in a quiet place, have adequate food and water, cover the cage both night and day, and still let the bird bathe.

Taking advantage of the time the bird is bathing, we clean the cage by replacing it with a new clean one, using a paint brush, sweeping the cage clean before putting the bird in.

In short, looking after and caring for Fire Warblers is not difficult at all. During the time the birds are molting, we may not feed them worms, which will save some expense. But it is impossible to suppress its locust rations. Once the bird has finished moulting, we continue to feed fresh and dry worms, and it's not too late.

Raising female birds : According to many years of experience of artisans, Fire Warblers must be accompanied by a female bird to be able to breed them.

Female Firebirds have smaller bodies and worse feather color than males. Female Fire Warblers have eyes that are both large and round, while males have slightly distorted eyes.

The female Fire Warbler also feeds and drinks like the male. You can only feed locusts, not worms. The female must always hang away and out of sight of the male Firebird. However, the distance should not be too far, so that the female bird's "woo" sound must reach the male's ears.

When the male Firebird hears the female's "woo" sound, he will get excited and sing immediately. The more diligently the female "whisks", the more diligently the male Magpies sing.

How to practice bird song : Like the Nightingale and many other songbirds, the Fire Warbler also likes to imitate the songs of surrounding birds it hears. Therefore, it is best for us to let our domestic birds listen to other birds sing so that our bird's song will be richer in melody.

If you train your bird to listen to a CD, which contains the sounds of brass, guitar, violin, Hawaiian guitar, flute, etc., the bird's voice will certainly be filled with many new tunes.

The special thing that needs to be added is that the male bird is extremely good at raising young. Even if you keep a male bird in the house for a long time, if you put a young Magpie in the cage. The male Fire Warbler still diligently fulfills his adoptive father's duties thoughtfully.

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